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[Open Centre] Newsletter

Dearest Friends,
The longing and intention for the fruition of the Open Centre is still flowing strongly through our community!  We would like to offer deepest thanks to all who have been contributing time, energy, and heartfulness to this project.  In this newsletter, Jaya offers us a clear explanation on the status of the original property and an update on how the whole proccess is moving along...
I've heard that some people were not clear about the status of the original OC property.  The situation is this:  the group would eventually like to sell it, but is not in a rush to sell it. They would still be happy to sell it to us.  But, luckily, they have not put the property on the market for sale. So if we raise enough money in time, we could still buy that original property. Meanwhile, we are still looking for a more affordable place, but so far no luck.  Vickyji is looking at properties in Catalonia each week.  Gemmaji and I are also looking at a few places.  The conversation with the owners of the property near Malaga that I mentioned last time is evolving in an interesting direction.  They are very enthusiastic about our interest and have offered very friendly arrangements for paying over several years, as has one other owner of a much smaller property in Tarragona district.
Through Gopiji's good work, two large foundations have shown initial interest in helping the Open Centre and have asked us to send a first short letter presenting the project.  Both foundations are interested in a "values-centered" approach to choosing projects, rather than strictly looking at our financial history and viability.  And they seem to be in tune with the same values as Open Dharma.  Let's see.

We could really use some help with updating the web.  If there is anyone who could help, please let us know.

much love,
Myself, I am really looking forward to the time that we can be together at the new Centre--resting, loving, growing, harvesting, and celebrating life!
with love until then,
Erika (and the newsletter team)

If you'd like further inspiration please refer to the "How to Help" page at:  http://www.opencentre.es/howhelp.html


Please share your ideas and events with the sangha by sending them to: newsletter(AT)opencentre.es

--~--~--~--~--~--~--~-- Nature - Interaction - Silence http://www.opencentre.es If you are organizing a fund-raising event/activity, please email the fund-raising info coordinator (Benoit) at: fundraising (AT) opencentre.es with details of your event, so that we can happily share it with others. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Open Centre newsletter. Forward this message to someone by clicking on [FORWARD] To update your preferences, click on [PREFERENCES] Newsletter archive: http://www.opencentre.es/newsletter/archive.php?listID=2&layoutID=3&pagerows=50 If you do not want to receive any more newsletters, click on [UNSUBSCRIBE] --~--~--~--~--~--~--~--

Messages sent on the previous Open Centre Google Group (not existing anymore):

Message 13 - The Open Centre newsletter is moving to a new location!

Message 12 - News & improving the newsletter

Message 11 - Christopher Titmuss Dharma Talk in SF

Message 10 - fundraising t-shirts

Message 09 - Latest news

Message 08 - Still need prizes for the Lottery Raffel

Message 07 - smiles and tears

Message 06 - Open Centre Lottery

Message 05 - Comments in the How can you help section of the website

Message 04 - Fun Events

Message 03 - this week's news

Message 02 - now is the time

Message 01 - What's up


New (current) Open Centre newsletter:

Newsletter archive:


The Open Centre, an Open Dharma project.

Open Centre newsletter archive

The Open Centre, an Open Dharma project.

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